ORB 16

Conrad Praetzel

Paleo Music 1987-1998

Una raccolta delle migliori composizioni di Conrad Praetzel dal 1987 al 1998, per la prima volta disponibile in formato vinile e accuratamente rimasterizzata da Andrea Merlini.
Ben 23 tracce per un vero capolavoro dell’ Open-Ethereal-Electronic-Experimental-Folk.
“La copertina dell’album mostra dodici petroglifi nativi americani in California – racconta Praetzel – Ho usato il quarto petroglifo nella fila superiore per il logo della mia etichetta discografica Paleo Music. Il lavoro e lo stile di vita che conducevo in quegli anni da archeologo tra la California e il Nevada erano un’ispirazione per questo progetto!”


A1 Mistress and Men 2.51
A2 Fish That Walk On Land 4.12
A3 Waiting At The Tower 3.03
A4 The Whispering Knights 1.09
A5 Forest Of Dreams 3.11
A6 Within The Empty Ballroom 2.49
A7 In The Same Forest 3.21
B1 Prayer Flags 6.50
B2 Caravan Of Rogues 3.08
B3 The Awakening
(Acoustic Guitar, Pedal Steel Guitar
by Robert Powell)
B4 A Peasant’s Reward 4.19
B5 After The Fair 3.28
C1 Cave Drawings 1.22
C2 A Whistle And A Prayer
(Percussion by Bill Shore)
C3 Tosawihi
Acoustic Guitar by Robert Powell)
C4 Dreams Within Dreams 2.35
C5 River Truce
Acoustic Guitar Robert Powell, Tambourine Armando El Mafufo)
C6 Ropes And Ladders
Slide Guitar, Electric Guitar Robert Powell)
D1 Out Of The Woods
 (Percussion – Armando El Mafufo)
D2 Lykewake Walk
(Electric Guitar, Vocals by Robert Powell)
D3 West Of The Moon 4.06
D4 Questions Of Bliss 3.59
D5 Corpus Delicti 4.50
Series: ORB 16 Category: Formats: 2 x Vynil, LP, Album, Limited Edition, Remastered Year: Oct. 2018 Genere: abstract, Electronic, Jazz


All songs composed, arranged and produced by Conrad Praetzel except Ropes and Ladders and Lykewake Walk composed and produced by Robert Powell and Conrad Praetzel. 600 copies limited edition.