Errol H. Tout

Luminous, Dancing About Architecture

Album recorded, mixed and mastered in the author’s own ‘modest but tidy studio’. This meant it took three years. A tracklist of great contemporary jazz from legendary Australian guitarist Errol H. Tout. Tout’s music is intended to be ‘a contribution to the well-being of the world’. He does not fit the term ‘avant-garde’ or ‘confrontational’, but would hope for the appropriateness of the term ‘innovative’. Along with ‘ambient’ and ‘atmosphere’.


66 in stock

A1 Spiders 4.16
A2 Secret Agent Theme 3.04
A3 The Black Dance 3.47
A4 Slide Away 3.20
A5 Surf Action 4.14
A6 Seconds And Moments 3.34
A7 Slice Me Up Baby! 3.19
B1 A Most Unusual Story 3.28
B2 New Acoustic 2.30
B3 Your Future 2.35
B4 Cigarettes And Whisky 2.10
B5 Binary Code 3.28
B6 The Les Pauls That Ate New York 4.06
B7 Underwater 6.16
Serie: BEAT 06 Category: Tag: Formats: Vynil, LP, Album Year: apr 2021 Genere: Contemporary Jazz, fusion, rock


License: Orbeatize srl; photo copyright: Orbeatize srl; Produced and recorded by Handle with Care; bass guitar: Sam Tout; drums: Ric Eastman; guitar: Mike Gorman, Roy Martinez; vocals: Fiona Mc Andrew; written, composed, guitar, bass, synth: Dr. Errol H. Tout. Special tanks to: Sandie XXXX, Lee Buddle, Matthew De La Hunty, James Hewgill, Pete Grandison, Fiona McAndrew, Jon Tarry [‘Blue Dancing’ images], People that we sampled [I DID ask for permission].Lee Buddle at Crank Recording Studios recorded drums and bass on 8 pieces. This took 2 days. It was lovely. “600 copies limited edition”.

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